Friday, June 26, 2009

I am...

Outside my window there is lots and lots of weeds. Followed by some dirt and some more weeds.
I am thinking I can't wait for a certain package in the mail.
I am thankful for toilet paper
I am wearing my hubby's basketball pants and his T-shirt. Very cute, I know.
I am creating blocks for my upcoming boutique show.
I am going out with the hub tonight! It's about time.
I am reading New Moon for the sixth time. Pathetic.
I am hoping that Boston will suddenly get a bout of sleepiness and take a nap.
I am hearing the sweet sound of nothingness....
Around the house toy tractors, workshop pets and blankies.
One of my favorite things my nice jacuzzi tub with a new gossip mag right on the side. It doesn't take a lot to make me smile :)
A few plans for the rest of the week weeds, weeds, did I mention weeds?

idea from The Pleated Poppy


HeaddaMarie said...

Allright, now that you did your blog with 3-columns you gonna help me? :) SOOOO...WHEN are we going to get together????

Adam said...

You don't even need a yard anymore! Weeds are pretty lookin right :) And you've read that book 6 times!? Sheesh. If only the B.o.M had that kind of attention.. hehe TRANSFORMERS WAS FRIEKEN SWEET!!