This is what I am dealing with right now. Hannah has gone the pox....chicken pox that is! Yippie for us! We have had to postpone our trip until the week incubation is complete. So hurray that will still get to go, hopefully Boston or Liv don't get it while we are in Florida or we will be driving our butts home. Can't fly if you have the pox. Hannah's takin it like a trooper though. She's fine besides the fact that "they itch like crazy mom!" Poor thing. We lotion like crazy and take anti itch baths. That's about all you can do. I'm so sick of sick.....know what I mean. Tis the season!
Poor Hannah! At least you still get to go, well I mean, after she is done having them, or whatever. It was good to see you! We need to get together more often! Let's plan something for when you get back!!
Lets really hope the other 2 dont get them. lol. That would be a bigger BUMMER.
Would LOVE to go cruisin with you guys.
Darn it! :( When Bekka got them, she only had maybe 10 of them. I had her vaccinated and I was surprised she still even got them...but oh well! She had them over Easter in 2007 :(
Hey that really sucks!! I'm sorry!! Poor girl :( Hey I am going to go private so I just wanted to send you an invite so could ya please e mail me you e mail address?
Hello love! How are things going?? Itchiness gone? Out on your trip or still waiting to go? Did the other 2 get the pox?? When shall we get together?!? Longer then a couple hours this time!!
BECKENHEIMER.....whats the dill? huh?
Are you cruisin?
Have you seen my latest DEAL!?
That sucks! Poor kid! I thought our kiddos didn't have to suffer through them now that they have a vaccine! Bummer... (aren't you so glad you posted on my blog? Now you're getting a billion comments from me, lol!)
Hey, get this...I'm at my mom's house for Thanksgiving and Janika's here with her family too and guess what we just discovered....her 3 year old little girl has red spots all over and we're totally thinking they are chicken pox! Ahhh!! So not happy! That's all I need is for my 9 month old to get it and be miserable and my 4 1/2 year old to miss weeks and weeks of school!!! Hopefully it'll just turn out to be a false alarm.... Did your other two kids end up getting them? How long did she have them?
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