Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ever feel like this?

Yes today was one of these, "I have had ENOUGH!" days. You know the ones where you're sick of being the maid, the cook, the chauffeur. Yes I broke. Not a very pretty sight in our household tonight. And to top it all off the hubby got invited to the Jazz game right in the middle of my ranting and telling everyone how unappreciated I felt. The poor guy didn't even know what hit him. I said go enjoy your wonderful evening away from here, be my guest, have a GREAT sarcasm whatsoever (that's a lie). In my hubby's defense he said he would stay home. I made him go. I wanted the night to be alone. Please tell me I'm not alone in this ladies. Has this ever happened in your house? And if you say no I might consider you a So the kids get an early bedtime, 7:30, and I get to enjoy my evening of quiet. Oh what will I do? Oh yeah...laundry.


Ashley said...

Oh my word. TODAY! This was ME TODAY! All day I said to myself "I'm done being a mom. I'm done being a mom. I'm done being a mom." I couldn't pull myself out of it. But now the girlies are in bed and life is oh so much better. Here's to tomorrow. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who lost it today :)

HeaddaMarie said...

Oh yes my dear...I had definitely had those days...more often then I care for. In fact...I was starting to have one last night so as soon as the kids were in bed I headed to bed myself...8:30!!! Holy Early! And this morning (ya @ 4) it has already begun!! Long story...tell ya about it on Saturday!

Adam said...

Kinda weird how women think that days like that only happen to them! HAHA!! Kidding!! No friek outs ladies! Sorry it was that bad for ya Beck, you can always come over and hit the punching bag with me.. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad I wasnt there. Sounds brutal. :)
Just kidding. Did you get all your laundry done? lol
LOVE YA! Cheer up.

Leslie Wentz said...

Been there done that! Atleast once a week! :) LOL :) :) :) :) Hope today was better! :)

Jana said...

No never.... and if you do, you definately need to seek some professional help!!! (he he) Yeah right you know me queen of crazy ladies!!! :) I hope you have many better days to follow and by the way I am still very willing to help with the blocks, I would love to!!

the Maisey's said...

YES!! We all feel like we are underappreciated. You just want to say "I give up!!" But we go on.... I guess we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. By the way, I think you are doing a great job.

JaLesha said...

I never thought I would feel so frustrated with my kids (at least until they were teenagers!) but I've decided 4 year olds are not fun. I have had many, MANY days lately where he is on my last nerve. What happened to my sweetheart that always did everything I asked...?? And I'm sure it doesn't help that my 9 month old still wakes up every 2-4 hours ALL NIGHT LONG thinking he needs to nurse....