Monday, October 25, 2010

Letting the creative juices flow...LINKY PARTY!

***FYI: I am aware that the button to link with this party isn't showing up....strange?! I have checked out numerous blogs with parties today as well and the same this is happening. When I type in the website to INLINKZ it says that the server or website is not found (weird) I will try and figure it out ASAP. Have a good night!!***

Well hello there. As I am writing this post I listen to the new Taylor Swift CD and I'm in love. I find a song I like and listen to it like 10 times and then move to the next might take me three hours to get through it, oh well :) It was pretty fun to see my little girls reaction to it. They LOVE LOVE Taylor Swift and are determined to see her in concert. Us three girls will be doing a lot of the batting of the eyes and puckering of the upper lip to the hubby/dad. He doesn't even know it's coming. So sad. lol.'s party time.

Here's the rules...

* Link to your specific post, not the main page of your blog.

* Include the name of your blog and a short description of what your linking up.

*Go ahead and link up as many projects as you'd like.

* Grab the button so everyone can come party and get in on the fun (it's the nice thing to do).

* Please no links to Etsy shops or online stores.

* And last, but certainly not least, it always feels good to see that others enjoy your stuff, so please leave a comment with the two people who posted before you :)

Let your creative juices flow...

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Fun Halloween dinner ideas!

Back by popular demand....On The Menu Monday's!
Ok, who am I kidding, I had like three people say they would like to see it come back so I aim to please :) I thought it would be fun to throw in some fun Halloween dinner ideas.
(click on the picture to be taken to the websites)

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This is a fun take on a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato eyeball soup!

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Here we have ghostly monte cristo sandwiches with spiderweb tomato soup.

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Here is a mummy meatloaf with mashed "boo"tatoes and mashed sweet potato pumpkins.

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Here is some yummy chilli in a tombstone or how about some sloppy jo in a jack-o-lantern..

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And last how fun is this eyeball taco salad or these pumpkin cheese hamburgers!

Hope these ideas help you to have a fabulously fun Halloween dinner!
Don't forget to check out the many pumpkin decorating ideas on the post below!
Have a great Monday everyone!

Pretty Pretty Pumpkins

Are you all ready for Halloween? I just can't believe it's just around the corner....time goes by way to fast, no? Here are some beautiful pumpkins that I found out in blogland. Tomorrow night is when we are getting our 13, yes 13 pumpkins dressed and ready for their debut on Halloween!
Which are your favorites?
(click on the pictures to be taken to the blog...some may not have a link)

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Letting the creative juices flow...LINKY PARTY! (better late than never :)

Ok so I'm late with my party....I'm sorry. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I have the need to Martha Stewartize my house. That in no way means my house looks like hers, is as clean as hers or as organized as hers, but boy I would sure like it to be all the above. I live in reality and know that it will never happen. But in the meantime I have de-junked like no feels fabulous! Enough rambling from me....

Here's the rules...

* Link to your specific post, not the main page of your blog.

* Include the name of your blog and a short description of what your linking up.

*Go ahead and link up as many projects as you'd like.

* Grab the button so everyone can come party and get in on the fun (it's the nice thing to do).

* Please no links to Etsy shops or online stores.

* And last, but certainly not least, it always feels good to see that others enjoy your stuff, so please leave a comment with the two people who posted before you :)

Let your creative juices flow...

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kids are too funny

I found these on another fellow bloggers blog and I just cracked up! You know that washrag feeling I was feeling yesterday, these made that go away. Yep. They did.
(thanks to those with the sweet comments)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Letting the creative juices flow...LINKY PARTY!

First of all I want to say thank you to the wonderful blogs that featured my Loopy Halloween Wreath! I was thrilled!
And second....Hi to my newest followers. It makes me happy when I see that number rise because it means that you people like what you see and that is a great compliment.

Here are some projects from last weeks linky party that caught my eye...

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These pretty egg carton flowers are from Michele Made Me

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Find this adorable Halloween calendar at Clean & Scentsible

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I am in love with this Uno cake over at Craftily Ever After!

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Krista over at While He Was Napping made this oh so cute tiles!

Now lets see what you all have been up to this week!

Here's the rules...

* Link to your specific post, not the main page of your blog.

* Include the name of your blog and a short description of what your linking up.

*Go ahead and link up as many projects as you'd like.

* Grab the button so everyone can come party and get in on the fun (it's the nice thing to do).

* Please no links to Etsy shops or online stores.

* And last, but certainly not least, it always feels good to see that others enjoy your stuff, so please leave a comment with the two people who posted before you :)

Let your creative juices flow...

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I feel like a washrag

The "I feel like a washrag" came from my mother and I when we try to explain that feeling of tiredness, laziness, headachiness the just plain blah's, but times ten. That's the "washrag" feeling.
And that's what I'm feeling right this moment (actually all day really) sorry, no post for today, but I will be back later with the linky party....ummm let's say 9:ooish!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Halloween printables from me to you

While in bed last night watching Grey's Anatomy {LOVE} I made up some Halloween pictures for you lovely people that care to check out my blog....just right click and save and print these babies up! Place them in frames around your house for instant Halloween decor....and it's free! Gotta love that. I so wanted to post pics of mine all framed, but my camera battery just died....uuurrgghhh! Have a great night!

Elements for these designs found here :)

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Hope you enjoy!

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Halloween paper dolls

My daughters are SO into paper dolls right now?! It was like overnight and suddenly they are using up all of my computer paper and drawing dolls and clothes and animals! Here are some adorable paper doll sets I came across and wanted to share with you.

Your kids will LOVE these Halloween paper dolls. Go here for the PDF which has many more costumes for the dolls, this is from Gwen @ Gwenny Penny!

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Some more super cute paper dolls...these come from Babalisme...go here to download the boy and here for the girl!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Letting the creative juices flow...LINKY PARTY!

Hello everyone! Hope your Tuesday morning is going better than mine :(
You know, the whole running extremely late, not feeling that great, kids complaining about not getting enough sleep even though they were put to bed at 8:30, but decided to goof off until 10:30...that kind of morning. Sheesh.
Let's get to the party people!

Here's the rules...

* Link to your specific post, not the main page of your blog.

* Include the name of your blog and a short description of what your linking up.

* Grab the button so everyone can come party and get in on the fun (it's the nice thing to do).

* Please no links to Etsy shops or online stores.

* And last, but certainly not least, it always feels good to see that others enjoy your stuff, so please leave a comment with the two people who posted before you :)

Let your creative juices flow...

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Loopy Halloween Wreath

I wanted to make a Halloween Wreath pretty bad and spent some time looking around to get some ideas, when suddenly I saw just what I wanted to do. Head on over here to Outspoken Interiors. See what wreath inspired me.
I had SO much fun making this, but I have to took up some time that's for sure!

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Cut out tons TONS of stripes of adorable Halloween paper and tape them at the seam.

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Then using another pieces of tape, tape it down onto your straw wreath (with the plastic still on)

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For the flowers, cut out three circle ranging in size and tear then ink the edges.
Who doesn't love to ink things?! I ink EVERYTHING!

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I did a jute rosette for my flower center.
Do you call it jute or it the same thing? I just don't know.
I guess I'll call it Forgive me...I'm tired :)

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For my spider I used different sized Styrofoam ornaments from Hobby lobby and just painted them a metallic purple. The legs are sticks painted a sparkly black and it dangles with juwine :)!

I love the way it turned out....even if it took me FOREVER!
Linking up to these fabulous parties!

The Girl Creative Keeping It Simple mmm button
Simpsonized CraftsMaking Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!