How excited am I? I have been given the Versatile Blogger Award by four
FABULOUS ladies!!!!
Aleesha @ the fabulous blog that was featured last week! Ready, Set, Create!
Mindy @ Twisted Copycat
Leslie @ Night Owl Crafting
and Jalinda @ The Craft in Me
Rules for this one are....
1. Thank the person who gave me the award
2. Share 7 things about myself
3. Pass the award on to 15 (sorry...didn't get to that many) fabulous bloggers
4. Contact the bloggers I have picked and let them know about their award!
7 things about myself
1. I LOVE gossip magazines. I know there's about 5% truth to anything in them, but I just can't get enough. My hubby even goes every Friday to the store and buys me like 5 or 6 ;) That's love people.
2. I used to be partially deaf in my left ear.
3. Driving gives me such anxiety that I hope and wish I will have enough money one day to hire a driver....lol! Never gonna happen.
4. I love ALL kinds of music...but the Beatles are my true loves.
5. My dream job would be to work at a magazine (surprise, surprise) and live in Manhattan like Andy on How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
6. I'm a Gleek
7. I have three kids: Hannah 8 going on 18, Olivia will be 6 tomorrow! and Boston is a terror at 3. My wonderful hubby probably doesn't want his age revealed, but he is wonderful and I love them all!
So I am passing along this award to:
Ashley @ Little Miss Momma
Cami @ A Scrap of Fabulous
Staci @ The Creative Crate
Frills Fluff and Trucks
Joy @ Mommas Kinda Crafty
Oopsey Daisy
Cook Clean Craft
Larissa @ Just Another Day in Paradise
Tonight I am making some super adorable birthday decorations, using this super cute paper!
Let me just say....at Hobby Lobby I had 3, yes 3, paper packs in my hand and only walked out of the store with one.....GO ME! My hubby will be proud!

FABULOUS ladies!!!!
Aleesha @ the fabulous blog that was featured last week! Ready, Set, Create!
Mindy @ Twisted Copycat
Leslie @ Night Owl Crafting
and Jalinda @ The Craft in Me
Rules for this one are....
1. Thank the person who gave me the award
2. Share 7 things about myself
3. Pass the award on to 15 (sorry...didn't get to that many) fabulous bloggers
4. Contact the bloggers I have picked and let them know about their award!
So to the ladies
7 things about myself
1. I LOVE gossip magazines. I know there's about 5% truth to anything in them, but I just can't get enough. My hubby even goes every Friday to the store and buys me like 5 or 6 ;) That's love people.
2. I used to be partially deaf in my left ear.
3. Driving gives me such anxiety that I hope and wish I will have enough money one day to hire a driver....lol! Never gonna happen.
4. I love ALL kinds of music...but the Beatles are my true loves.
5. My dream job would be to work at a magazine (surprise, surprise) and live in Manhattan like Andy on How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
6. I'm a Gleek
7. I have three kids: Hannah 8 going on 18, Olivia will be 6 tomorrow! and Boston is a terror at 3. My wonderful hubby probably doesn't want his age revealed, but he is wonderful and I love them all!
So I am passing along this award to:
Ashley @ Little Miss Momma
Cami @ A Scrap of Fabulous
Staci @ The Creative Crate
Frills Fluff and Trucks
Joy @ Mommas Kinda Crafty
Oopsey Daisy
Cook Clean Craft
Larissa @ Just Another Day in Paradise
Tonight I am making some super adorable birthday decorations, using this super cute paper!
Let me just say....at Hobby Lobby I had 3, yes 3, paper packs in my hand and only walked out of the store with one.....GO ME! My hubby will be proud!
Check back tomorrow to see the birthday decor!!!