Is anybody out there familiar with Old Navy Weekly? If not, let me explain. Every week old navy places these fun ads where you actually have to find the coupons online. Right now the ad is making an outfit. You combine the shirts with different pants and such and a coupon will pop up! Last week they had a chick run across the screen and if you clicked on him it was $50 off your $100 purchase! Holy money saved! They only give a certain amount of coupons out so make sure your on top of it. I will post every week when the ad is renewed and the "hints" to find your coupons!
How does that sound? For this week Feb 18th:
15% off – click blue tank top, then the jeans beneath it. Then click on Amy’s face.
$10 off $50 – click yellow shirt and rolled up jeans
$15 off $75 – click yellow shirt with right jeans, wait for stars above Kelly on right and then click on them
10% off – Click Blue tank with jeans on the left (there are multiple locations for this one)
$5 off $25 -Click the red striped shirt, then then skinny jeans, then click shirt, then click the big picture of Eva. If that doesn’t work, try: click red striped shirt then skinny jeans , then click the model’s face in the circle (Eva) after clicking the shirt & jeans. (this one seems to keep changing, good luck!)
$50 off $100 (GONE)- click the face on the left, then the face on the right
So click below to get started on your search!