Little Livielou
graduated from Preschool! Her teacher went all out with them performing songs, gave away little diplomas and even had a video to show. Livie was very
excited and
proud of herself! And poor me.....
crying like a baby during the sideshow. They put in one of those sad songs about how your kids grow up so fast and they can leave their fingerprints on the wall! Hello
waterworks! No fun.....but Liv is so excited to ride the bus in the fall and be a
big kindergartner! Me, not so much.

Today (Memorial Day) also happened to be my mom in laws
birthday so it was a day spent at
Park City! One of my favorite places! The kids got a kick out of the
Alpine Slide (everyone got to go, even little Bos) they were afraid of
slamming into a groundhog because I told them they live under the they have a
Alpine Coaster now.....that was
GREAT! Tons of pics to follow.....

I love Liv's cheese it smile! Aren't they

Gold girls

This just makes me

love this picture!

picked up on some
chick and was riding in the plane when we got done on the coaster! What a
flirt! He likes the older ladies!

I look somewhat possessed in this pic...kinda creepy!
So we were at Park City by 12:00 and didn't make it home til 9:00 and we are
whipped. Yet here I am blogging about it! :) Hope you all had a
fun holiday weekend!