And one more thing. Let us all be aware of an awful, dreadful, horrible thing that perches itself upon the grocery shelves. People "Do Not Attempt to Buy"! Albertson's had this particular thing on sales not to long ago for $1.12. This is amazing, as it is normally $3 and change. I bought three loaves hoping to freeze two. Hoping. Not the case. My family devoured this like they hadn't eaten for days and days....they would ask for a piece for their snack! I know my mom, dad and brother are already addicts, but if I can at least save one it will be worth it! For those of you not in Utah, consider yourself lucky, as this can only be found here, so I'm told.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Devil in disguise
Awww....much better! That last background I had was hideous! Why didn't anyone tell me? I really have nothing to post about. My hubby is at work until 7:00, that's right 7:00! Spring time is going to be awful. So this mommy has had it with the way her kiddos take care of their toys. So as we speak all three of them are downstairs watching Toy Story. I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. One - I get some peace and quiet for a little while and two - they get to learn a lesson on how to treat their toys. Hopefully tonight I don't get woken up because the beautiful blessings are having nightmares of their toys coming to life to attack them! lol....
And one more thing. Let us all be aware of an awful, dreadful, horrible thing that perches itself upon the grocery shelves. People "Do Not Attempt to Buy"! Albertson's had this particular thing on sales not to long ago for $1.12. This is amazing, as it is normally $3 and change. I bought three loaves hoping to freeze two. Hoping. Not the case. My family devoured this like they hadn't eaten for days and days....they would ask for a piece for their snack! I know my mom, dad and brother are already addicts, but if I can at least save one it will be worth it! For those of you not in Utah, consider yourself lucky, as this can only be found here, so I'm told.
And one more thing. Let us all be aware of an awful, dreadful, horrible thing that perches itself upon the grocery shelves. People "Do Not Attempt to Buy"! Albertson's had this particular thing on sales not to long ago for $1.12. This is amazing, as it is normally $3 and change. I bought three loaves hoping to freeze two. Hoping. Not the case. My family devoured this like they hadn't eaten for days and days....they would ask for a piece for their snack! I know my mom, dad and brother are already addicts, but if I can at least save one it will be worth it! For those of you not in Utah, consider yourself lucky, as this can only be found here, so I'm told.
Where have all the bloggers gone?
I am sitting here I the only blogger left in town? Where are you people? Have you scum to the face book obsession? Come back to me please.....I miss you!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Anziano Sawyer
My little brother went into the MTC this last Wednesday. My brother Josh was going around acting like him and Jake were twins going in. It was hysterical. He helped lighten things up a bit. I was gearing myself up for a day of sobbing and sulking. It was completely opposite. To see the look on my brothers face the entire time brought comfort to myself knowing that he was more prepare and excited than anything else. I am so proud of him and his decision to serve. I am blessed to have such amazing parents who have raised all of us well. Good luck Anziano Sawyer....go spread the word! My parents have made him a blog so that friends and family can see how he is doing. Make sure to add him as your peep or click on the picture and it will send you to his blog!

Monday, February 16, 2009
You gotta check this out!
Whoever reads this needs to go to my parents and brothers blog and watch the video of my dad and Jakes snowmobiling excursion. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen. Make sure to leave a comment!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Valentine from me
To: My cute family
From: Me
Happy Valentine's Day! I love you all so much. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to my life.
From: Me
Happy Valentine's Day! I love you all so much. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to my life.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
My newest creation!
My mom came down to help me get some blocks done. Here is a look at my newest one for spring.....this is my favorite by far. This pic doesn't do it justice. The paper is adorable. Let me know what you think!
More to come...
Home Decor
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sick and tired!
Yesterday was a fun girls day at the movies! Hannah, Olivia, Hadlie and myself all went to see Coraline. It was in 3D which made it fun! The movie itself.....scary! I wouldn't recommend it for little ones. Hannah and Liv came upstairs because they said they were to "freaked out!" We went to McDonald's after and got home around 7:00. I was exhausted, but we had a great time. Brad spent the time with Boston at Wee Care. Turns out the poor little guy has pneumonia for the second time! I couldn't believe it. The doctor said they had already sent three kids to the hospital that night for pneumonia. Thank goodness Boston wasn't one of them. We take him in on Tuesday to see if the meds are doing their job. So that's what's going on here....meds, nebulizer, vaporizer, Gatorade, vicks vapor rub and me and Boston smell like a walking hospital!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
First of all a BIG THANK YOU to anyone who put my button on their blog....I really appreciate it! This post is a little late, but better late than never. On Saturday Brad and his mom took the girls to the circus. All he would say was that it "Definitely wasn't Ringling Brothers!" But they all had fun. I had a peaceful time with Bos sleeping and what did I do? You guessed it....blocks. Super fun times. Your soooo jealous I know. Here are some fun pics, I told Brad he had better take some or he was DEAD! He listened pretty good. lol
They actually look like they like each other! Some days I wonder....

Getting hyped on sugar...thanks for that one hon. Guess who had to deal with that later? Yep, me.

Their favorite was riding the ponies. The picture of Hannah is pretty blurry. Did I mention Brad took the pictures? Just clarifying! lol I love Liv's head and some other random dude in the way......Love you Brad!

They actually look like they like each other! Some days I wonder....
Getting hyped on sugar...thanks for that one hon. Guess who had to deal with that later? Yep, me.
Their favorite was riding the ponies. The picture of Hannah is pretty blurry. Did I mention Brad took the pictures? Just clarifying! lol I love Liv's head and some other random dude in the way......Love you Brad!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Button, button who wants a button?
How excited am I....I have sat here for about half the day and designed my own grab button! How fun is that. It will link to my etsy shop. So I am asking for all of you fellow bloggers out there...whether I am your friend, daughter, sister, sister in law or just someone you stop in to see once in a great while or if you just like my stuff, please grab one of my buttons and put it on your blog. Help me in promoting my cute little store! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
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