Yes today was one of these, "I have had ENOUGH!" days. You know the ones where you're sick of being the maid, the cook, the chauffeur. Yes I broke. Not a very pretty sight in our household tonight. And to top it all off the hubby got invited to the Jazz game right in the middle of my ranting and telling everyone how unappreciated I felt. The poor guy didn't even know what hit him. I said go enjoy your wonderful evening away from here, be my guest, have a GREAT TIME....no sarcasm whatsoever (that's a lie). In my hubby's defense he said he would stay home. I made him go. I wanted the night to be alone. Please tell me I'm not alone in this ladies. Has this ever happened in your house? And if you say no I might consider you a liar...lol. So the kids get an early bedtime, 7:30, and I get to enjoy my evening of quiet. Oh what will I do? Oh yeah...laundry.