Don't get me wrong when you read the title of this post. I do really love my kids. Hannah is the type of girl that gets bored pretty easily. So needless to say this has been a bit of a long summer trying to entertain the child. She really wanted to get back to school, and for my own sanity so did I. We have spent the week preparing....dodging vicious mothers for school supplies, sometimes it felt like the day after Thanksgiving shopping, cleaning house, doing laundry, so come school day no mommy chores for mommy! We laid out Hannah's clothes last night and talked about what would happen at "all day school". She was most nervous about lunch. They get two options on food and it was chicken nuggets or a cheeseburger. She says to me, "I am so nervous about lunch because I don't know if I can decide on what I want to eat that quickly!" What a sweetie! I said everything would be fine and each day we will go over the menu for the next day so she can decide what she wants so she doesn't get stressed out! lol! Brad has been out of town for a week, hence the no new posts, Heather, so this morning he gave Hannah a blessing. It was really sweet and even at the end Hannah was crying. I said it's ok honey, you will be fine. She said, "No mommy, it just gave me a happy feeling in here." and pointed to her heart. Yeah...boo hoo mom in motion. I started crying and Brad was like what in the world....poor guy....outnumbered by estrogen. So off to school she went, and home she came happy as can be. While she was gone Livie and I made her her favorite treat, rice krispies that said Happy 1st Day of School.

Livie starts preschool next week. All the sudden today I was thrust into being the boy part singing on the cd in the car and the prince and the boy this and boy that. I guess Livie was fed up on always being the boy and now that Hannah is gone that lucky job goes to me! Oh this week better go by fast!