So we had a blast and got home around 1:00. Tim filled my Kenny void, why he's not coming this year I have no idea. I'm going to write a letter! lol
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Tim McGraw here we come!
My hubby surprised me at 4:30 yesterday with tickets to Tim McGraw! The concert started at 7:30 and I was scrambling to find someone to go with! My mom (who would be my first choice) was in Flaming Gorge and so was my bro Jake, who is a major fan. So I called Jana and she was at my house pronto and we were on our way. Let me just tell you, Brad got us the most amazing seats. We were so close we could see his stubble on his face! Halfway to Hazard opened and I looovved them. Them Timmy came hot!! He sounds great live, but I do prefer my Kenny. You know I have been to like 20 concerts and you would think by now I am use to the drunk, slutty looking women, but no. There were 55 year old woman wearing next to nothing! I felt so embarrassed for them. It's like they think if they dress that way Tim will notice them and fall in love and leave Faith for them.....YEAH RIGHT!
So we had a blast and got home around 1:00. Tim filled my Kenny void, why he's not coming this year I have no idea. I'm going to write a letter! lol

So we had a blast and got home around 1:00. Tim filled my Kenny void, why he's not coming this year I have no idea. I'm going to write a letter! lol
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I have wii elbow?
So I bought Brad a Wii for Father's Day, not a good idea. It's all our little family wants to do. I guess it is better than plopping our butt's on the couch and watching a movie. So I am obsessed with this Wii age thing. It determines your age based on how well you are at things like batting, bowling, tennis. I seems that I am age 72!!! What the crap? My hubby somehow pulled a 44....what gives? I managed last night to drop my age by 20 years, but boy am I paying for it. My right arm hurts so bad I could hardly sleep last night. I worked out muscles that haven't ever been worked before. My mom tells me I have Wii elbow. It is an actual condition doctors have come up blackberry thumb for those who text too much! Too weird. So typing this post is causing me slight pain. I think I will go rest and get the Wii out of my elbow!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I love to see the temple.....
So today Brad's sister Rachel got married! And coincidentally her new hubby's name is Ray. Rachel Ray....pretty funny if you ask me. The got married in the Salt Lake Temple and were one of 51 weddings done that day! Isn't that crazy. The people that work in the temple told us on 8-8-08 there are 109! Holy Crap! I'm glad she didn't pick that day. While we were waiting for her to beautify herself, the fam and I colored on the grass and took some way cute pics!
My kids are such hams! I love em!
As hard as we tried we could not get these two to look at us! They were so in their own little world.
While we waited until the reception we went to eat at the Garden Restaurant on top of the Joseph Smith Building. The kids, or should I say Boston, was quite entertained by the fountain. He's such a stud!
At the reception I got way sick and luckily my parents came to see Rach and they took me and Boston home while Brad stayed with the girls. I pro ceded with the rest of the night bonding with the toilet! Not fun! So sorry Ray and Rach.....I wish you two lots of happiness and kids! I'm not having another until you catch up! lol
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Daddy Day!
What a day today has been. You know when it's your day, whether it's your birthday, mother's day, father's day, love that day. You milk that day! You get to relax, get waited on, the kids are for the most part good. But if your on the other side, like the one doing the waiting on and such, IT SUCKS! (My six year old would kill me if she read that. It's a "bad word" at our house.) You try and make the breakfast in bed, keep the kids out of dad's way so he can relax and watch golf. Meanwhile your kids are freaking out because they want to see daddy. He works all the time and Sundays are really the only time to see him. So I give and Brad doesn't mind he would rather watch a movie with the kids over golf. All that stress for nothing. Father's Day is exausting, but worth it. I hope Brad knows how much we appreciate him. He works so hard for our family! We love you!

As for my dad.....I'm not sure that he knows just how amazing of a person he is. I love you dad!
What a day today has been. You know when it's your day, whether it's your birthday, mother's day, father's day, love that day. You milk that day! You get to relax, get waited on, the kids are for the most part good. But if your on the other side, like the one doing the waiting on and such, IT SUCKS! (My six year old would kill me if she read that. It's a "bad word" at our house.) You try and make the breakfast in bed, keep the kids out of dad's way so he can relax and watch golf. Meanwhile your kids are freaking out because they want to see daddy. He works all the time and Sundays are really the only time to see him. So I give and Brad doesn't mind he would rather watch a movie with the kids over golf. All that stress for nothing. Father's Day is exausting, but worth it. I hope Brad knows how much we appreciate him. He works so hard for our family! We love you!
As for my dad.....I'm not sure that he knows just how amazing of a person he is. I love you dad!
Friday, June 13, 2008
My kids went Kung Fu on my butt
Today has been a day of practicing karate chops. Boston just laughs and laughs when the girls do the hi-ya sound.

Little did the girls realize they were going with Brad to see Kung Fu Panda. He didn't tell them where they were going until they were buckled in the car ready to go. They were so excited! So was mommy.... a night with just Boston? The two of us hadn't been alone since we were in the hospital after he was born. What were we going to do? We ate some dinner, organized scrapbook paper, played mini basketball. Not too exciting. A one year old likes to just go with the flow. So Brad and the girls got home around 9:00 and I was greeted with a four year old and a six year old going Kung Fu on my butt, as Hannah so eliquently put it!

So to Brad I say thank you for instiling in our children the art of karate chopping according to Kung Fu Panda! Man am I ever in pain!
Little did the girls realize they were going with Brad to see Kung Fu Panda. He didn't tell them where they were going until they were buckled in the car ready to go. They were so excited! So was mommy.... a night with just Boston? The two of us hadn't been alone since we were in the hospital after he was born. What were we going to do? We ate some dinner, organized scrapbook paper, played mini basketball. Not too exciting. A one year old likes to just go with the flow. So Brad and the girls got home around 9:00 and I was greeted with a four year old and a six year old going Kung Fu on my butt, as Hannah so eliquently put it!
So to Brad I say thank you for instiling in our children the art of karate chopping according to Kung Fu Panda! Man am I ever in pain!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What were we thinking?
We have ourselves in a mess putting in a yard. I clearly remember saying, after our last yard we put in, "I will never put another yard in!" lol Look at us now....

What in the world were we thinking? We weren't at the time, but we loved the house soooo much. We have had to bring in so much more dirt than our neighbors. Crazy! Let me tell you, that was a hard check to write. Dirt should be FREE! Thank goodness for a 18 year old brother who loves driving around a Bobcat! I love you Jake. So here are the befores...hang tight for the afters! And wish us luck. Cuz we need it!
What in the world were we thinking? We weren't at the time, but we loved the house soooo much. We have had to bring in so much more dirt than our neighbors. Crazy! Let me tell you, that was a hard check to write. Dirt should be FREE! Thank goodness for a 18 year old brother who loves driving around a Bobcat! I love you Jake. So here are the befores...hang tight for the afters! And wish us luck. Cuz we need it!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
That was a very long month!
So this is my very first post ever! I am so behind on these techno things it's kinda sad. So my friend Teresa was the one who got me into this so we will see how it goes. Here it goes.....
Yesturday we finally finished up the T-ball season. Hallelujah! No really it was alot of fun to watch the girls play. It's so amazing to me how different the two are. Hannah is somewhat hardheaded, ok very hardheaded. She loved playing and would get right in there like she had been playing forever. When we would try to "coach" her she would say, "Mom, Dad I know what I'm doing!" Ok then.

Yesturday we finally finished up the T-ball season. Hallelujah! No really it was alot of fun to watch the girls play. It's so amazing to me how different the two are. Hannah is somewhat hardheaded, ok very hardheaded. She loved playing and would get right in there like she had been playing forever. When we would try to "coach" her she would say, "Mom, Dad I know what I'm doing!" Ok then.
Olivia on the other hand....she is the most stubborn little thing! This picture pretty much explains the T-ball season as far as Livie is concerned
Next up soccer.......
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